This error message appears as a JavaScript alert box& not exactly an optimal user experience. 这个错误消息以JavaScript警告框的形式出现,这绝对不是很好的用户体验。
If it has not, it displays an alert box with an error message. 否则,它显示一个包含错误消息的警告框。
Run your page again and notice that you now have to click on an image to get the alert box to pop up. 再次运行页面并注意,现在必须要单击每个图像以弹出警告框。
The result of the replications is shown as an alert box, activated through the success or error handler. 复制结果显示为警告框,通过成功或错误处理程序激活。
As you saw in the last section, the server called updatePage() several times and each invocation resulted in an alert box popping up& probably not what you intended! 在上一节中看到,服务器多次调用updatePage(),每次调用都会弹出警告框&可能和预期的不同!
In this instance, it is assumed that the server-side script returns plain text, and this text is shown to the user via an alert box. 在本例中,假设服务器端脚本返回普通文本,并且文本会通过警告框显示给用户。
AlertWithButtons asks for confirmation from the user in the form of an alert box with Yes/ No buttons and takes the appropriate action. AlertWithButtons以包含Yes/No按钮的Alert框的形式请求用户确认,并采取适当的行动。
An Alert object represents a modal dialog box to display a message. Alert对象表示一个显示消息的模态对话框。
In this case, you will simply show the response from the Server. getSoftware() method in a second alert box. 在本例中,您只需要在第二个警告对话框中显示从Server.getSoftware()方法传回的响应。
The other menu customization creates a function to show an alert, dialog box, or both that displays the UNID of one or more selected documents. 另一个菜单定制创建函数以显示警报、对话框或两者同时显示,它们会显示一个或多个所选文档的UNID。
The second alert box shows the code that generated the exception. 第二个警告对话框显示生成异常的代码。
In the error alert type box, click the type of error alert you want to display to users. 在“出错警告类型”框中,单击要向用户显示的出错警告类型。
Alert on click display an alert box when any text is clicked, not just a link! 不止可以链接,点击任何文本时都会显示警告框的程序!
When you open the saved publication you'll see an alert box that says opening the publication will access data from the data file. 打开保存的出版物后,您将看到一个警告框,说明打开出版物将访问数据文件中的数据。